Children and Youth

Youth Learning

Building a Long Lasting Foundation

ECSMC youth are integral members of the church. We call them “the MYF” (Mennonite Youth Fellowship). They regularly take a turn preparing and serving a Monday night gathering meal, set up chairs and tables each week for the meal, and help in the worship services. Each Sunday, they are part of the staff in the nursery during the service. Every summer, the MYF embarks on a service and learning trip (sometimes in the U.S., sometimes internationally) or attends a Mennonite youth convention. The MYF meets for Sunday school, often using the Gather Round curriculum from MennoMedia and engaging in lively discussion and possibly, occasionally, eating snacks. They also meet monthly for Bible studies and social events, interspersed with service projects.

MYF, Junior Youth, Mentor/Amigos

Youth Services

Sunday School Class Information

General Info

  • Children are encouraged to go directly to their classrooms after the service.
  • Adult classes begin 10 minutes after the worship service. Please feel free to get coffee or tea in the foyer before heading off to the class of your choice!
  • Sunday School Quarters:
    Fall – September through November
    Winter – December through February
    Spring – March through May
    Summer – June through August

Children and Youth

Sunday School for children and youth begins immediately after the end of the worship service.

Children under age 2 are welcome to join their parents in any of the adult Sunday School classes.

Age 2 through grade 5 meet in classrooms in the Fellowship Hall (basement level). Classroom doors are labeled with the following age groups:

  • Early Childhood – ages 2-3
  • Early Childhood – age 4
  • Primary (grades K-2)
  • Middler (grades 3-5)

Junior Youth (Grades 6-8) meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Youth (Grades 9-12) also known as Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF) meet for Sunday School weekly, in addition to monthly gatherings.

Safety First

Child Protection at East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church

At East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church, we are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for children and youth.

Read a summary of our Child Protection Policy.

Read our complete Child Protection Policy.

All adults who desire to work with children/youth less than 18 years of age must become “approved adults.” This includes, but is not limited to: pastors, all paid ECSMC staff, Sunday School teachers, MYF/Youth & Jr. Youth leaders & teachers, mentors, nursery workers, children’s church leaders, and ushers.

In addition to attending a congregation-authorized training, all those desiring to become approved adults must obtain:

  • Report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP)
    Free for Volunteers: New Volunteer Record Check
    Click on the  “New Volunteer Record Check” button and you will be guided through the form – you will need to input your social security number. Be sure to save/print your results and email or turn in to Shannon/Church Office (typically just takes a minute for the results to be generated).
  • Child Abuse History certification from the Department of Human Services (Child Abuse)
    Free for Volunteers: History Certification
    First Time Applicants: Click on “create individual account” and go through the process. The most difficult part here is remembering all your addresses since 1975. The results for this check should also come through quickly electronically. Save/print and email or turn in to Shannon/Church Office. (Please save your login and password information for future use.)
    For those renewing their clearances: Click on “Individual Login” then “Access My Clearances” and enter your previously created username and password. Follow the steps to update and renew clearances.
  • A fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) submitted through Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent (unless the volunteer has been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years).
    Requires Fee

Also required:

Read and Sign “Disclosure Statement for Volunteers”.

Read and Sign ECSMC Volunteer Covenant

Help keep kids safe. Learn the possible signs of abuse and how to report suspected abuse.