The Creation Care Committee of East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church is committed to caring for God’s creation with an emphasis on our neighborhood. We commit to making changes both small and large to support a sustainable future for Lancaster City and the world beyond.
Our church members started the Creation Care Committee in 2007. We have used the Voluntary Gas Tax as a way of funding our mission.
We are happy to make this EV charging station accessible to our church attendees and neighbors in the community. We kindly invite people to donate towards their EV charging to cover the electricity costs so we can do more projects to support the environment. We ask that people move their cars when they are done charging to allow others to use it, and that the chargers are made available for church attendees only on Sunday from 8am-12pm.
Supporting the development of a large tree canopy in our neighborhood.
Partnering with land owners and community groups to reforest a large area along the Conestoga Greenway trail.
Partnerships with the School District of Lancaster and the School Yard Habitat Program to plant trees on school property.
Supporting our members Eric Sauder & Joyce Burkholder who have created RegenAll.